Beauveria plus

Beauveria Plus is a microbial consortium of Beauveria bassiana, Verticillium lecanii, Metarhizium anisopliae and Paecilomyces lilacinus. Spores, mycelia fragments and vegetative cells of the microbial consortia is lethal to White flies, Aphids,Thrips,Grasshoppers,Beetles , Mealy bugs, Mites, Jassids ,Sucking insects, Termites, Locusts and Nematodes . Antagonistic secondary metabolites secreted by this entomopathogenic fungal consortium have an antifungal / antibacterial effect that pathogenise and kill the disease causing organisms.

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Beauveria Plus is a microbial consortium of Beauveria bassiana, Verticillium lecanii, Metarhizium anisopliae and Paecilomyces lilacinus. Spores, mycelia fragments and vegetative cells of the microbial consortia is lethal to White flies, Aphids,Thrips,Grasshoppers,Beetles , Mealy bugs, Mites, Jassids ,Sucking insects, Termites, Locusts and Nematodes . Antagonistic secondary metabolites secreted by this entomopathogenic fungal consortium have an antifungal / antibacterial effect that pathogenise and kill the disease causing organisms.

Method of application:

• Liquid

Soil application: Mix 1 L Beauveria Plus with 100 kg organic manure(for 1 Acre), keep the mixture under shade with sufficient moisture content (30%) for one week and apply uniformly to moist soil. Apply 1kg in moist soil/base of trees, 250g in potted plants.

Seed treatment: Mix 20ml Beauveria Plus with 1 kg seeds. Dry in shade for 30 minutes before planting and sow with in a day.

Seedling root dip: Mix 20ml of Beauveria Plus with 1 L of water. Immerse the seedling roots for 20 minutes before planting.

Foliar spraying: Mix 10 ml Beauveria Plus in 1L of water and spray on the foliage during evening hours. For 1 Acre mix 2 L Beauveria Plus with 300 L water and spray, also apply uniformly to moist soil.

• Powder

Soil application: Mix 5 kg Beauveria Plus with 100 kg organic manure (for 1 Acre), keep the mixture under shade with sufficient moisture content (30%) for one week and apply uniformly to the moist soil. For tree crops mix 20 g Beauveria Plus with 1 kg organic manure and apply in moist soil/base of trees. For potted plants mix 5 g Beauveria Plus with 250 g organic manure and apply in the base.

Seed treatment: Mix 20g Beauvaria Plus with 1kg seeds. Dry in shade for 30 minutes before planting and sow with in a day.

Seedling root dip: Mix 20 g Beauvaria Plus with 1 L of water. Immerse the seedling roots for 10 minutes before planting.

Foliar spraying: Mix 10 kg Beauveria Plus in 500 L of water(for 1 Hectare) and spray on the foliage during evening hours and also drench at the base of plants.

Potted plants: Apply 20g Beauveria Plus in potted plants.

Size Large, Medium, Small
Color Black, White
3 reviews for Cleaning Dustpan & Brush
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    Edna Watson
    November 27, 2020

    Thanks for always keeping your WordPress themes up to date. Your level of support and dedication is second to none.

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    Scott James
    November 27, 2020

    Thanks for always keeping your WordPress themes up to date. Your level of support and dedication is second to none.

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    Owen Christ
    November 27, 2020

    Good Product!

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